Ann Chiappetta

Making Meaningful Connections

First Book Revamped

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Yes, readers, my first book, Upwelling: Poems C 2016, , a slim volume totaling 60 pages, is being recorded and prepared for This is an opportunity that transpired because of who I knew, aka, networking.

I hope this format will help me get my work to more readers. I hope it will help generate income, too; what I am hoping for the most is for an agent or publisher to become interested in my work.

Each step taken is one step closer to being represented.
It is hard to keep going, though, and sometimes it feels like all the effort, the self-promoting, and the book signings and readings are sucked into
a black hole.

What keeps me going is working with other creative professionals, like Lilly, who has done a fantastic job, capturing the nuances and emotions of poetry.

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Upwelling ebook cover white flowers against black background framed in red border

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