Ann Chiappetta

Making Meaningful Connections

Late Summer Reflections

| Filed under Poem writing Writing Life

Late Summer
by Ann Chiappetta

Originally posted in The Avocet Weekly Issue #351

Pre-dawn crickets quiet
Hidden in the golden grass, Rich aromas
Tingle the senses; damp earth
Water and pine envelop me

Waterfowl squabble for cresses and tidbits
Amid the cattails;
Subtle slap of rigging on sail masts
Like the chime of prayer bells
Foretell the seasonal shift
for the denizens of the lake.
Cool breezes at dawn and dusk
Relieve the hot Midday breath until
Shadows stretch languidly
Into evening

Soon the stunted grass and winter sloth will come
The radiance is stored for the spring.

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