First blog with is blasting off today.
Here’s a review of my newest book, a short story collection, A String of Stories From the Heart to the Future.
Stories From the Heart
| Filed under Fiction Relationships writing
Stories From The Heart – Tonight, July 8, 2020
Join us for an on-the-air book launch with authors Alvin Billings, Ann Chiappetta and Robert McNally. or
Alvin Billings, launching his new release “Bronx Brat” – This is the story of Bernie, a Brat born and raised in the Bronx His story unfolds in the Bronx of the 1940s and 50s—a colorful mosaic of Italian, Irish and Jewish families. Local parks (especially the Bronx Zoo and Botanical Garden) were peaceful oases from crowded Bronx apartment houses. Bernie was highly intelligent and sought adult-level knowledge in local libraries. Bernie’s escapades were in the tradition of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. He showed both bravery and bravado by saving his Dad’s life at age ten. That same year, he joined a secret American branch of the Haganah to send guns, disguised as toys, to Israel. They were packed with greeting cards to Israeli children. Finally, a shocking family tragedy confronted Bernie as he reached adulthood and entered the working world, never to live as a Bronx Brat again.
Ann Chiappetta, author of “A String of Stories: From the Heart to the Future” – A demon deer and a ghost cat. Sibling rivalry and sexual awakening. Self-image and self-confidence. The chance for an offworlder to breathe free at last on a new planet. Those are just some of the diverse themes of these remarkable stories. Some endings are happy, some are sad, and some are intriguingly open-ended. But once you step inside the author’s world, you cannot emerge unmoved. This collection includes general fiction, science fiction, suspense, and paranormal pieces.
Robert McNally, author of “I Had Jelly on My Nose and A Hole in My Breeches: The Memory of A Boy on his Dangerous Journey” – This is the memoir of a modern-day Huckleberry Finn who delighted in youthful romances and wild adventures. The author has many interesting stories about the 1930’s and 40’s. For instance, one evening in 1945 he and his friends built a fire in a parking lot. The next day they returned to the area only to discover something terrible and startling in the burned-out fire. The adventures are exciting, humorous, and well worth reading. You’ll have the feeling you are right there with him. Let the author take you on his dangerous journey.
Annie on Cover to Cover TV
| Filed under Fiction writing Writing Life
Tune into the show. I’ll be talking about my newest book, a short story collection, A String of Stories: From the Heart to the Future with host Stephanie Larkin.
When: July 8, 2020 7 p.m. Est.
Where: Thanks to host Stephanie Larkin and #RedPenguin Books for giving me this authorly opportunity.
Featured Member on NFAA
| Filed under blindness Fiction Relationships writing Writing Life
The Words Keep Coming
| Filed under blindness Poem Writing Life
I am often asked about the process of writing when being interviewed. Folks are curious about the manifestation of creativity and how it influences writing poetry. While I am certainly not an expert on the subject for anyone else but myself, I strongly suspect the Muse bestows the inspiration upon each of us in a unique manner. We do have gross similarities, like the tools we use, i.e., laptops or hand-written pages, etc., but we also diverge once the synapses fire and begin the journey of creation in each of our minds.
For example, I often dream my writing ideas. I’ve been awakened by lines of text, images, and what I call mental films playing along in my head. This is a curious thing, because I’ve been blind for over thirty years yet I continue to dream as if I’d never lost it. Full technicolor, for sure.
Recently I awoke from a musing and it resulted in a poem, the first poem written in 2020. I also somehow created a fantasy story with a swashbuckling immortal character named Von and a humanoid species called Felini, cat-like creatures with names like Tika, Shona, and Flame. Where the story will take me, only the muse knows but I like where I’m going. I wish I could share the poem, but, now that potential publishers and literary magazines consider posting on a blog “previously published” and will reject an author’s work because of this, I must hold such things aside until published. May the Muse be with you.
Poem from the poetry collection, Upwelling; Poems C 2016 availible on Amazon and Audible
© 2016 by Ann Chiappetta
Sleep-film portrays lurching scenes of Disney World
damp pavement trod on by millions of feet.
You stand on the recently dried cobblestones
of Main Street U.S.A.
A somber overcoat hangs on you like a dish rag.
emancipating your regrets.
Tears and mumbled blessings
mix as our faces touch.
Your cheek is cold and cancerous.
Sleep-film shuffles
Scrambling through the Florida downpour
A Barker lures us inside.
My florid yellow jacket drips
Your loose, somber coat is as dry as a shroud.
Inside, double doors lead to a great hall.
Black tie patrons rotate on the dance floor like dolls.
Your arm sweeps in the gala affair,
“A gift for us to remember me.” you say.
I’m aggrieved by your vanity
Flash point warnings ignite around us
like confetti stars
the dolls applaud as they fall.
Fear not, here is something written and previously published.
Smashwords book sale
| Filed under blindness Guide dogs Poem Writing Life
Looking for a unique eBook for a special gift for a fellow reader? Do you belong to a book club and need to find a low-priced eBook with a beautiful cover and meaningful content? Do you like to load up your book reader with great titles for the wintertime? Look no further,

Take advantage of the Smashwords book sale from December 25 to January 1. All three of my titles are discounted at checkout, no hunting for discount codes. Here’s the link to find out more:
On the Road and Radio
| Filed under writing
SAVE THE DATE! When? September 26, 2019. 6 PM Central.
What? Annie Chiappetta will be discussing her new book, Words of Life: Poems and Essays.
Where? On Disability and Progress, heard at KFAI 90.3
Can’t make it for the live show? No worries. Catch the archived broadcast at:
For the local literary-minded, come listen to a reading followed by a book signing.
October 8 at 7 p.m. I will be performing poetry from my latest book, Words of Life: Poems and Essays at the White Plains Public Library. All three books will be for sale, cash only. To find out more, click the link:
For 314 PI Day
| Filed under blindness Poem Relationships Writing Life
For PI Day from my new book.
From WORDS OF LIFE: POEMS AND ESSAYS © 2019 By Ann Chiappetta
Elixir of Life
A perfume memory
Fills the air nostalgically
Of geranium, moss, soft musk
Perennial tones capture the scent of sunlight and sorrow
Ache Awakens
Once hibernate in the mental loam
Memory buds bloom, perfume released
Rekindling the loss
Caressed by Ribbons of comfort
Like honeysuckle on the wind, flavors of love
Sweeten bitter tears like dew drops on cheek petals
Within each lies a prism of hope
Awaiting release, gathering energy, aroma clusters coiled in readiness
Flowery, Sweet scents
Patchouli, bergamot
extracted, bottled, applied
Aromatic notes fill an olfactory repository with meaning
Remembering the smell, searching
Whispers of love, warmth, consolation
For what
Triggered a walk through the bouquet-journal
The book
The perfume memory
The nostalgic elixir.
C 2019 by Ann Chiappetta
About the Book
In this new collection of poems, essays, and flash fiction, the author once again exhibits her ability to write about both the light and dark sides of life. There are numerous poems and stories about nature: its kindness, cruelty, and wonder. There are frank expressions of the sadness and frustration she felt at the progressive loss of her eyesight and a poem about the social isolation that disability can bring. Other pieces, though, sing of joys as diverse as family closeness, the love of dogs, the delights of scents, and the power of the muse. Just as in her first volume of poetry, Upwelling: Poems (2016), there is no fluff here. To read Ann Chiappetta’s works is to feel them deeply, appreciate them mightily, and remember them forever.
From the Introduction
While it is my hope that all the pieces in this book resonate with my readers, I have my favorites. Some of the poems have been previously published; all reflect what lies within. This volume is accented with a few photographs. As I lose the last vestiges of my vision, bringing a meaningful visual array to this collection seems imperative. Finally, dear reader, I want to share the prose that reflects the way I’ve lived my creative life.
If just one poem or essay resonates with you, I have accomplished the purpose. For a moment, as the eye reads and the brain interprets, the reader slips into the shoes of the writer. This is the true spirit of what it means to be creative, open, to offer the emotions in such a way as to give another person the opportunity to appreciate the writer’s experience with the words of life.
Contact Information
Ann Chiappetta lives in New Rochelle, New York
Phone: 914-393-6605
Book-related website:
The author’s previous two books are Upwelling: Poems (2016) and Follow Your Dog: A Story of Love and Trust (2017)
Blog Interview with Don Messenzio
| Filed under blindness Fiction Guide dogs Poem Relationships writing Writing Life
Check out this great interview, thanks to blogger Don Messenzio. I think he’s got a great blog and want to thank him for offering this kind of interview series for indy writers:
blog post
A Great Way to Wrap-up 2018
| Filed under blindness Guide dogs Poem Relationships writing Writing Life
Thanks to Kim Charlson and the Perkins Library for the Blind, the memoir I wrote is now an audio book for listening through the National Library Service, or NLS. Expressing how it felt to listen to my words for the first time was emotional. It was immensely gratifying and powerful. A few weeks prior to the email notifying me the book was in the final editing stage I listened to the introduction I penned for GDUI’s A HANDBOOK FOR THE PROSPECTIVE GUIDE DOG HANDLER (4th Edition), also recently released as a free digital book available via the NLS talking book and braille library.
Follow Your Dog: A Story of Love and Trust DBC11582
Chiappetta, Ann. Reading time: 4 hours, 27 minutes. Read by Ana Maria Quintana. A production of Perkins Library, Perkins School for the Blind. Animals and Wildlife. Drawing on her skills as a poet and a therapist, the author of this candid memoir explores her life-changing relationship with her guide dog. The book is also available on Bookshare and all eBook sellers as a digital book and print soft cover. Go to
The GDUI Handbook’s catalog number is DB92557 and it is also available from Bookshare.
Here’s to a book-filled 2019.